The NSPanel consist in a ESP32 board (the panel itself, controlling the relays, buttons, communications, etc.) with a Nextion display connected to.
This Nextion display have an independent controller which also requires a firmware and its settings (the basic layout),
and this is done by an .tft
When you get your panel from Sonoff, their tft
file is installed in the Nextion display and using a called "Reparse mode",
which makes a bit challenging to replace the tft
file when using ESPHome and then, we highly recoment you using nspanel_blank.tft
which is just a fraction of the size of a regular tft
and will make the first tft
replacement much easier.
Once NSPanel's original tft
is replaced, is much easier to install a new tft
with ESPHome,
so you can go directly to the final file (either nspanel_eu.tft
, nspanel_us.tft
or nspanel_us_land.tft
For more datails on how to install the first tft
file, specially if your panel still displaying the original Sonoff screen,
please refeer to the Troubleshooting TFT transfer guide.
How to install a different tft
v4.2 or later and esp-idf
Just go to your devices's page (under Settings > Devices and Services > ESPHome), select your Upload TFT display - Model and then press Upload TFT display.
Older versions or arduino
On your ESPHome settings, you have entered a url for nextion_update_url
, in the substitutions, like this:
###### CHANGE ME START ######
device_name: "YOUR_NSPANEL_NAME"
wifi_ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
wifi_password: !secret wifi_password
nextion_update_url: "http://homeassistant.local:8123/local/nspanel_eu.tft"
nextion_blank_url: "http://homeassistant.local:8123/local/nspanel_blank.tft"
##### addon-configuration #####
## addon_climate ##
# addon_climate_heater_relay: "1" # possible values: 1/2
##### CHANGE ME END #####
url: https://github.com/Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint
ref: main
- nspanel_esphome.yaml # Core package
# - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_cool.yaml # activate for local climate (cooling) control
# - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_heat.yaml # activate for local climate (heater) control
# - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_dual.yaml # activate for local climate (dual) control
refresh: 300s
type: esp-idf
This url will indicate where your panel will look for the tft
file when you click the "Upload TFT" button (under device's page)
or call the service esphome.xxxxx_upload_tft
The most popular way to switch between the nspanel_blank.tft
and nspanel_xx.tft
is replacing the URL on the ESPHome settings
and flashing the device again, however, you can also do this calling the service esphome.xxxxx_upload_tft_url
adding the URL of the alternative file as a parameter.
It's up to you, as both ways will give the same result.
What to do after installing nspanel_blank.tft
Once you have sucessfully installed any of the tft
files from this project,
the nspanel_blank.tft
file shouldn't be necessary anymore and you should be able to always install the final tft
v4.2 or later and esp-idf
Just go to your devices's page (under Settings > Devices and Services > ESPHome), select your Upload TFT display - Model and then press Upload TFT display.
Older versions or arduino
Make sure you have one of the following final TFT files in your local http server (typically Home Assistant on www folder):
- nspanel_eu.tft
- nspanel_us.tft
- nspanel_us_land.tft
Now Flash your panel with nextion_update_url
pointing to one of the final TFT files and
press Upload TFT in the device's page (Settings > Devices & Services > ESPHome).
Additional Tips and Resources
We have an useful guide for troubleshooting TFT transfer issues. Please take a look there first.
After troubleshooting, if issues persist, consult the Issues and feel free to create a new one asking for more personalized assistance.
Please share as much info as possible, like: 1. Describing (or a picture of) what is in your screen 2. Are updating from a previous version of this same project, or coming from another NSPanel customization (which one?) or customizing for the first time a panel with original Sonoff settings? 3. Please share the ESPHome logs from when your panel starts to the moment the upload fails. 4. Describe what you have already tried.
Important note
Remember, these steps are a guideline and might vary slightly based on your specific setup and previously installed system.